Curriculum Vitae
2017-2023 MA Divinity
PThU Groningen
2016-2019 MA Philosophy magna cum laude KU Leuven
2015-2017 Premaster Theology PThU Amsterdam
2012-2016 BA Philosophy cum laude
KU Leuven
2021-present Diaconal worker Diaconie in Stad Groningen
2022-2024 Monastic pioneer Stadsklooster Groningen
2020-present Guest pastor
2020 Internship
Pauluskerk Rotterdam
2018-2020 Internship
Laarkerk PKN Anlo-Zuidlaren
2019 Philosophy teacher
TVG Assen
2015-2017 Librarian
HIW KU Leuven
Christiaan Schoonenberg (they/them) is a theologian and philosopher, who combines their practice with film, photography and speculative fiction. After studying philosophy at the KU Leuven, they pursued their MA of Divinity at the Protestant Theological University in Groningen. The question of God in the Anthropocene is a central theme in their work. They search for and research unexpected encounters, connections between strangers - human, plant and animal - and experiment with contemporary forms of community-building. They work as a community worker for Diaconie in Stad and Mosterd and are part of the eco-social collective woeker.